
A Letter to You


She looked tired when she entered the house last night. Yet she managed to leave a smile to us before going to their bedroom. Suddenly, I heard someone weeping and I was quite sure it’s her. Without even knowing why she was crying, I wanted to hug and comfort her. But really I don’t want to see someone crying so I did not approach her.

I want to dedicate this second write-up to Ate Mae. =)

Someone’s Holding You

Holding on to a prickled stem, would you continue to grip even though it’s hurting? Or would you take a risk to release your hand and fall? This is certainly a tricky question. But you’ll easily give an answer when you know that there is Someone who doesn’t want you to be hurt and promised that you’ll be saved.

Jeremiah 17:14 says, "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." Indeed, a very motivating verse. But let’s deeply study and understand its story. The verse was taken from a chapter where Jeremiah prayed for deliverance. He claimed that he has a God who he can hold on to. And he spoke to his mountains as if he really is portraying that He is alive in his heart.

We usually misunderstand the word ‘deliverance’ and define it as “the casting out of demons”. There is nothing wrong with that but there is something more than that. Deliverance is a complete assertion of salvation through a living God -- mighty and loving. It’s not just about being brave to hurl the enemies but it's bragging that you are serving a stronger God.

He is more than hurting when He sees us hurting. That’s why He never wanted that to happen (well, who wants to?). On this certain situation, we need to understand God. At times we are so worried not noticing that we are already bleeding.  We are holding so long to something that cannot cure us; and worst gives us more pain. God is telling us to trust and jump. At the end of the day, you’ll realize that it’s not deep…it’s not that bad.

“Healing? Leave it to Him.” This is what I want to tell to Ate Mae. Just this night I learned that her mom was diagnosed with cancer. Honestly, I felt sad. But not anymore when I realized that GOD IS BIGGER THAN A CANCER.

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Unknown at: October 3, 2013 at 10:23 PM said...

very true bunso

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